Meaning behind Dweenk

Meaning behind Dweenk

Welcome to Dweenk

You want to know what this cool word means. Does it have to mean anything? Not really, but it can be explained. It sounds like something you've never heard before. because you haven't. 

More recently you are becoming exposed. to fast fashion brands with corny names that most likely. include one of these things: 999, LA, NY, Kobe Bryant faces, fugazi Chrome Hearts, skulls, fire, lots of flames, stars, and the list goes on. Lame designs that hold no significant meaning behind them. Lame lame lame lame lame yes I am hating on them

Dweenk was made to tell a story. To build a meaningful history using great design. It is a movie that will unveil its unique characters because what the world needs right now is something new. Why have we seen recycled movie characters over and over again? These big companies have all ran out of ideas.

  • This is Doko. the main character.
  • Dweenk will become the braziest brand ever.
  • Dweenk will overcome Supreme. Palace. Bape. Stussy.
  • Standing in a line at Supreme. made me realize "what am I doing?"

Dreem and think. Dreeming and thinking. Dreeming of thinking, thinking of dreeming. When you combine those words, you get dreenk, dink, theem, theenk, and you realize that dreenk sounds awfully familiar to dweenk. I mean, dreeming and thinking sounds pretty solid and it is what I do everyday. You people dreem but never think. Like idiots.

 Honestly though to be frank. I can speak 9,100 languages and the perfect word is dweenk. Where have you heard it ever before. Dweenk. Sounds official. Certified. It is not Dweenk the Clothing Brand. It is Dweenk the Entertainment Brand. Clothing is important. You need to look brazy and presentable and just nice with it.  More to come


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